Yes, yes, yes, yes:
"The mark of a free man is that ever-gnawing inner uncertainty as to whether or not he is right." -Justice Learned Hand
"Adam, you're too hard on yourself."
"Whatevs, maybe I'm just free."
-Author Unknown
I'm not old, but I can already feel a difference from when I was 18: It gets harder and harder with each year to admit that you're just straight up wrong. You've lived, after all, for XX(X) years and you've learned a thing or two. The problem is, you're never too old to be fulla shit. A few days ago my grandfather (Fox News watcher, has framed pic of GW Bush on his kitchen counter) sort of softly ripped me a new one, in his grandfatherly way, for my recently demonstrated fiscal irresponsibility. And you know? He was right. And you know? It was really, really hard to admit it, even to myself. And I said, "Self, how many times have you been called out on your crap over the last year and NOT admitted to yourself that you were wrong?"
(Answer: 14)
Which is (tangentially) why, if my guy Barack wins the election in November, he's going to get anything but a free pass from this Citizen. (Did'ja see? I reference the new name of my blog.)