Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Greenpeace actually isn't very crazy

I'm here getting trained in San Francisco for my new job with them. And they're pretty darned good. As in, pragmatic, reasoned, reasonable, professional. Full of really smart people. Those crazy things they do from time to time? They actually get things done. If you thought they were crazy and ineffectual, it's probably because you weren't he target audience. That's my half-epiphany for now.


Blogger Francisca Gálvez Vidal said...


I am starting my work with Greenpeace New Zealand and I definitely agree with you. They are pretty good, cool, professional, smart and on to it. I am so happy to be there, and seriously believe we are doing what needs to be done.

Keep the good work in the States, you guys have a lot to do keep you busy up there!


1:18 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

I heard they weren't crazy enough...at least that's what the folks on the "Sea Shepherd" say. You have to admit, a few signs/spray paint seems Sunday School-ish compared to ramming Japanese whaling rigs with a device called the "Can Opener."

7:13 AM  
Blogger Bridget said...

So what will your job be?

3:34 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Francisca--Bitchin'. Keep it up.

Joel--Yes . . except that sinking pirate vehicles actually changes the global landscape and attitudes . . how much? Greenpeace, it seems, has gotten less crazy and boat-sinky--and more professional. I think Sea Shepherd should realize that an organization with 2.5 million members has a chance to hit the bigger-picture stuff. It's awesome that they're sinking pirate ships--but GP is filling a huge, gaping need for public policy interaction. It's funny--people either seem to think that GP is not extreme enough or too extreme--when in reality it's pretty solid. Sez I.

Bridget--I'm going to be a field organizer for Project Hot Seat. (you could google it). I'll be organizing people to get on their congressman (Mark Kirk from Illinois' 10th) to be stronger on global warming. That's it. It's going to be tough--and pretty cool I think.

Wow, thanks for still reading my crap even though I don't post much.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I'm just saying what I hear :).
The spouse of one of Jill's co-workers (Peter Heller) went out with Sea Shepherd and wrote a book about it (The Whale Warriors). Interesting stuff that ought to get folks fired up about the state of our oceans.

7:58 AM  
Blogger gerard said...

Alright buddy, I started posting again. Let's see what ya got.

4:33 PM  
Blogger gerard said...

Any Updates on your work?

7:56 PM  

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