Monday, December 24, 2007

I admit it.

I've been watching the polls for the 2008 Presidential Nomination. Way too much. I know polls are mostly crap and are a civic-minded person's version of Us Magazine, but it's my vice that keeps me a little connected with America.

While the opinions they are a'flying this season, I have to add mine to the stack. I think the following people are actually decent people: Edwards, McCain, Obama, and most of the candidates who aren't getting any support, like Kucinich. And I believe that Obama has a chance of doing some real good.

A recent poll (of 1 household, one person who is Adam) showed the following numbers:
Obama: 72%
Edwards: 21%
McCain: 14%
Clinton: 2%
Huckabee: 0%
Giuliani: 0%
Romney: -9%

I kind of wish you could cast a negative ballot. For example, if the election race ended up being between Clinton and Romney, I'd love to be able to just tick a box that said "NOT MITT ROMNEY" and have it cancel out someone else's vote in favor of him. That'd be sweet.


Blogger rob vg-r said...

I really love the idea of a negative ballot ... I think it would spice things up a bit. I'll add it to my political platform.

9:42 AM  

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