This was going to be a comment but then it started getting long so I made it into a post. Chris said:
"It has been over a month... Get over yourself and start posting. Hell, even talk about that silly Teach for America thing or whatever it is you're going to do next, just, something!!!"
to which I'm now saying:
Hey Chris. Thanks for the sentiment ("You're a good guy but stop being precious/dramatic and post"--also expressed by a few others), but let's not be rash now. Not posting on a blog just means not posting on a blog. Posting is putting something out there for anyone to see, and if you don't want to put something out there for anyone to see, you don't post. Let's not equate it with the silent treatment.
It seems that no one but me was being edified by the news search thing, so I concede that this blog ain't the place for it. But that was all I had that I really wanted to post about, so I'm all out. Don't take it as an appeal for sympathy or an angry retort. It's just a blog.